Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

don't know what I should call it..

ntah kenapa dalam setiap langkah aku merasa ada arahan dariMu..
yaaahhh...ini bagus sekali..
krn aku sadar, memang Engkau sangat dekat, sedekat urat nadi dalam diriku..

what I am looking for?...
u know the answer surely...
I just plan, do, action and check details...
but the decision is in ur hand..

shoul I call it, loneliness...
or just jealous with others..
yupp..others that show-off the closest relation..
showing to me how act like the world just have they are...

when is my turn...??..
when I can tell to the world...that I can do like others done...
hhhmmmm...but I believe u have the best plan for me..
may be my lucky now changes with something that I should have now..

guide me rabb..

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